We believe God heals today. There are many instances of Christ’s healing ministry in the Gospels, again and again we see in our Lord’s healing miracles a response to the whole person, not simply to the symptoms presented.
We should acknowledge that despite all the wonderful advances in medicine we still need healing as much today as did those who encountered Jesus 2000 years ago. This is because our relationship with God has been broken by sin and disobedience and needs to be restored through Christ. (see Romans 3:23).
Now, as then, Christ is our healer and reaches out to us, meeting us at our point of need with love and compassion regardless of our unworthiness in our own eyes or in the eyes of others.
To request prayer, go to our Request Prayer section


Healing Ways is our flagship publication. It features articles from OSL UK Council members, guest writers, a director’s corner, news and reports, book reviews, testimonies and more. You can view or download a sample edition online. Members receive the printed version posted to their address four times per year.
Membership is open to UK and Ireland residents only, and if you are interested in membership, please contact us to find out more, Non-members who wish to obtain the online version of Healing Ways can subscribe here.
You can also purchase online Shattering Glass Ceilings by our former UK national director Rev Christine Low and view her testimony. Do also view A Healing Season devotional from OSL USA.
Quick Overview —– Prayers —– Blessings —– Running a Chapter —– Our History —– Manual for Members —– The Rule of the Order —– Prayer of the Order

To those requesting prayer:
If there is anything or anyone you would like us to pray for, please type your prayer request in the box in this section or use our Healing Prayer Wall.
We do not know who you are BUT we wish to assure you that we shall pray for every request.
Your request will be treated with complete confidentiality. We won’t reply, just simply pray. We request your email only to help the prevention of spam.
We bless each of you and thank you for giving us the privilege of praying for your needs.
We are happy to hear your feedback following your prayer request. Simply email us through the contact us section at the bottom of the page (not through this section).
OSL PrayerNet team
OSL UK operates through chapters spread across the country which meet to study the Scriptures; offer prayer, often with the laying on of hands, for healing; to promote the Christian healing ministry; and to study aspects of the healing ministry.

Revd David Walton, UK Director
We also assist churches in setting up healing ministry teams and services of healing. Members receive a quarterly publication Healing Ways and there is an annual conference and an international conference to which non-members are welcome.
Presently we have chapters in Birmingham, Greater Manchester and an Online chapter (Tuesdays 4.30pm on Zoom – contact us for details). But we have members in other areas of the UK & Ireland too. To find out about membership, joining or starting a chapter, please contact us.